Aisa issues

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AISA Hot Issues for the Living Keynote

Instead of coming to the meeting with a prepared 'keynote' we are trying out a 'living keynote': We start off with an initial set of questions/issues and will, gradually, during tghe 2 days flesh these out with contributions and reflections from the participants. Small team of volunteers helped to compile/eport on each of the 7 below.

  1. Innovation drop zones? Dealing with interventions ‘parachuted’ into situations without due appreciation of, and embedding into local realities
  2. Life under the hedge? Missing endogenous innovations under the radars of innovation ‘experts’
  3. Follow the bright lights? Fitting current enthusiasms, e.g. for market-driven innovation, to all circumstances
  4. Surf the wave? Balancing more directed and output-driven innovation projects with more opportunistic outcome-oriented innovation processes
  5. Brain gain? Strengthening capacities for innovation and for facilitating innovation processes
  6. Suspended motion? Monitoring, evaluating, adjusting, learning and reflecting on innovation results, outcomes and impacts
  7. The ripple effect? scaling innovation, up and out


In the afternoon of 31 May, the notes were shared back to plenary:



Reactions from audience: What is missing from this keynote?

  • Gender not explicitly mentioned in the final statements
  • Facilitation role in process experiences, and between students working with research associates
  • Institutional culture that influences performances has not come out well
  • The issue of innovation coming in bundles was missing
  • Sustainable platforms - do we need sustainable platforms or are they no longer required after they've fulfilled their mandate
  • Socio-cultural determinants are missing. We tend to treat them as monolithic
  • The farmer is missing, buried somewhere
  • The future: what type of systems do people want?
  • The government is missing
  • Smooth adjustments to the existing system and reform is not the only way: radical reform might help!
  • How to influence the policy environment?
  • At the tables and discussions we had very original ideas and associations and when we look at the synthesis we have lost a lot of the richness. The originality of our work has gone missing - in practice we need those details in our context
  • The concept of champions has cropped up - nurturing people from within the system - but is missing
  • Interactions with non-agricultural innovation systems people! We have to go out of our innovation silo - we are the champions of participatory research
  • We talk among the converted - the people we're trying to convince are difficult to bring here